Dec 134 min read
Camps-giving Reflections: Thanksgiving From a Solo Traveler
Hear about my first solo Thanksgiving experience and what I learned from it.
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Nov 305 min read
Stuck in no-where-Colorado
Evelyn and I had a very eventful trip out to Colorado that ended up with us staying a night in a strangers yard in the snow.
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Oct 72 min read
week 7 and 8, look for the sun
I spent the past two weeks trying to stay dry and stay inspired even through the tough weather.
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Sep 223 min read
Week 5 and 6, A random collection of thoughts
I am learning how to just be, and here are some thoughts and stories from my life over the past two weeks.
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Sep 93 min read
Week 4, A whole lotta nothing!
Doing nothing helped me shift my perspective on life...
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Sep 14 min read
Week 3, Old but not old enough
I discovered that I'm becoming irrelevant and honestly don't care that much.
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Aug 244 min read
Week 2, Life Crisis
Crisis, change, pancakes, and lots of rice and beans.
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